On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 06:34:36PM -0400, Andrew Reid wrote:
>   I regularly buy new machines for a computing cluster we run, which
>   we try very hard to keep both homogeneous and stable.  It's running
>   Debian "etch" amd64 these days.
>   Lately, I've been having trouble with some of the newer commodity
>   mobos that have come with the new nodes.
[snip new boxes don't run on Etch] 
>   But anyways, it seems to me that the bad old days of the mid-90s,
>   when "know your hardware" was the mantra and the LHCL was the bible,
>   are sort of coming back again.
>    Ideally, what I'd like is a list of motherboards for which all
>    on-board devices are known to work with the 2.6.18 kernel, but I'd
>    settle for a list of chipsets, or even a list of SATA controllers
>    and ethernet devices.
>   I've googled around, but I haven't found a nice, compact source of
>   all the info I want.  Is there such a thing?

I haven't seen any list.  Since most people who get new hardware also
want the lastest software, they go straight for testing or Sid. 

You are not most people.  

Technology seems to move pretty fast these days and hardware vendors
seem to like to change things so that new hardware needs new drivers.

Is there no way to get your hardware vendor to guarnatee availability of
hardware for a set length of time?  

Do you have to buy new hardware?  i.e. would a skid of one-year-old
off-lease boxes work for your cluster?  

I agree that a list would be nice, but it would be a devil to keep


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