On Fri, 6 Jun 2008 10:20:54 -0700
Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Andrew,

> waiting. What I don't know is what's happening during that wait. Is it
> a matter of gpg not being able to contact the servers or do the
> servers take that long to run the query. It seems to run in waves

Before I had an always on connection, I used to poll the servers
manually to collect keys.  It often took that long for the servers to
respond.  A lot depends on how the query is performed.  For example, a
search for a particular key ID is usually quicker than a search for a
person's name.  Even so, a key ID search can /still/ take forever (or
so it seems at the time) to complete.

> will time out. I get a little to quick on the ctrl-c sometimes as a
> result...

Since CM (or Mutt in your case) is unusable during the search, I'm not
surprised you hit Ctrl-C.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"

Why do they try to hide our past pulling down houses and build car parks
Bricks & Mortar - The Jam

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