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On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:36:42AM -0400, MJM wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 August 2003 01:02, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> > >?Language experts sure get their shorts knotted up over simple questio=
> > > ?
> >
> > Because your question had to do with undefined and
> > implementation-dependent behavior.
> I know that.   See my other posts.  I asked a question about handling dyn=
> memory not type casting.  I changed what I was doing to use templates and=
> made a container class (probably did it wrong, but I don't care at this=
> point).=20
> I got dragged over the coals for type casting - something used often in t=
> kernel.  Now there is a suggestion that C++ is not C, the kernel is writt=
> is C, and so the use of type casting in the kernel does not apply to C++.=
> That arguement suggests that C is unclean and C++ is doing things the Rig=
> Way (if you're smart enough to use it correctly). All this worry over=20
> casting.  It's a wonder that the kernel works on Intel, SPARC, Alpha, etc=
=2E =20
> Funny thing is that while the kernel is working (casts and all), you guys=
> compiling your pure C++ code.

I think what people mean is that C++ and C are not the same. And that
things that are perfectly OK in C might not be OK in C++. I wonder if
the linux kernel would compile on all platforms with g++ instead of gcc

> This experience suggests that some experts like to to make others feel st=
> and they could care less about helping people with their knowledge.  Is t=
> how people are treated when they release open source code - language expe=
> pouncing on every line of badly written code?  =20

I think most people (myself included) would be really happy if language
experts would pounce on every line of bad code I wrote and tell me how
to write it properly :)

> It is unreasonable to expect application experts to be language experts. =
> It's good if they are but it's not necessary. I say it's better to create=
> more things with bad code than to create less things with elegant and eas=
> portable code.  Portability is a job for platform experts. Application=20
> experts should stick to their knitting.  Language experts should ply thei=
> trade with more respect for the humans that come to them for help.

Programmers should code for portability. By using a language that is
widely available and by coding in a non-system-specific style.

> Oh, and show your elegant portable code to a rank-and-file programmer for=
> judgement on readability - you'll probably find him or her scratching the=
> heads in confusion for a long time. C++ already has a reputation for bein=
> incomprehensible and thereby difficult to maintain.

That's an argument for ditching C++, not for writing what might be bad

> I can see why programming as a profession is fading and why programming j=
> are going to the lowest bidder.  Who wants to pay programmers to create=
> issues to argue about instead of creating product?

This is a mailing list, not a bloody software production house. The
people here are not here to work. They're here to discuss things and
answer questions.

P.S. I don't know if your code was proper or not. Maybe it is, maybe it
isn't. I'm not a C++ expert.


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