Gabriel Parrondo wrote:
El vie, 23-05-2008 a las 07:16 +0100, andy escribió:
My / partition is some 12GB and I see that it is currently 97% full. How can
I clean this out without trashing important files? What should I be looking
for in terms of likely culprits that can be deep-sixed safely?
try with this:
# apt-get clean
and then verify the free space with: df -h
Hello all
Thanks for the slew of rapid responses.
Apologies for not giving sufficient info on my partitioning scheme.
Here's the scoop:
/ = 12GB
SWAP = 2.8GB
/home = 168GB
No separate /var /tmp, etc.
Having run apt-get clean / is now down to 56%. I suspect that the
balance of the usage is in /var with different logs and mail.
As an aside, I seem to be missing approx 18GB of HD space - this is a
200GB HD, but adding the values given above totals 182GB. Strange, and I
cannot track it down anywhere, and I don't dual-boot, so unless 200GB
was listed on the packaging as an approximation, almost 20GB have gone AWOL.
Run 'parted /dev/yourdisk' and in parted's prompt enter 'print'.
It will tell you where each partition begins and ends. There might be
empty (unpartitioned) space between partitions or at the end/beginning
of disk.
Cheers for that.
Nope - parted shows that all drive space is present and accounted for.
But, there still seems to be a missing 18GB of HD when I run df -h .
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the
answers." - Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"