On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 05:57:03PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Friday 16 May 2008 05:45:49 pm ISHWAR RATTAN wrote:
> > Any one using USR5633b USB dialup exyernal modem with Linux?
> > I am looking for one that will work under Linux
> > as the new computer does not have serial ports!
> Yikes!  Thank God PCI serial cards are under $10.

But how much does a non-winmodem modem cost me?

Or a winmodem that happens to work with ALSA?

> > Do these modem need a special driver?
> USB modems have a very high probability of being WinModems in my experience; 

(Basically: like PCI ones)

> I'm not finding anything suggesting that this particular modem is real or not 
> one way or the other.  When you plug it in, do you get anything in your 
> syslog?  If you're lucky enough, you should see some kind of output, maybe 
> even a new device entry in /dev/ that acts like a serial port.

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