john gennard wrote:
> I'm still trying to install nvidia drivers. I started by 
> installing the .debs for nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src
> and using the documentation then available. This I found
> somewhat confusing - nontheless I soldiered on.

I found them confusing as well.  But once you work through them a time
or two everything starts to make sense.

> Eventually, I got 'nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123-4.deb' created
> and installed it with 'dpkg -i'.

Where does this next command say it installed the NVdriver file?  Does
that match your current kernel?

  dpkg -L nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123 | grep NVdriver

> 'dpkg -l' shows:-
> ii nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123       NVIDIA binary kernel module
> Can anyone explain why the nvidia kernel cannot be seen?

This nvidia-kernel-1.0.3123 would match kernel-image-1.0.3123 which
seems an unlikely kernel version.  On my machine I have these
installed.  Notice that the versions match.


I think the NVdriver is not installed where your kernel can find it.
Rather than try to debug your current configuration I suggest you
follow these steps which I will include and build the driver again
matching your kernel.  (Of course I could be guessing wrong about your
kernel version. :-)

The following are my own notes on installing the proprietary nVidia

Assumption: You are in group 'src' and can therefore write to /usr/src
as yourself and do not need root for that purpose.  If not:

  adduser $LOGNAME src
  exec login $LOGNAME

Assumption: You have 'sudo' installed.  But if you don't that is
fine.  Just jump to root with 'su' for the commands marked 'sudo'.
Only those commands should be run as root.  All of the others are run
as yourself.  But sudo is very useful.  So:

  apt-get install sudo
  echo "$LOGNAME ALL=ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
  sudo id



Bob's guide to installing the nVidia driver on Debian

Installing the proprietary nVidia driver.

 The nVidia driver is a closed source proprietary driver.  It cannot be
 legally shipped with a free software distribution.  Therefore if you
 wish to use this driver then you must agree with their license,
 download it from nVidia, and build it for your system.  If you don't
 like doing this then support free software.  You can either use the
 free "nv" driver which unfortunately is not as capable or ask nVidia
 to change their license into a free license.

Get the bits onto your machine

 If you are going to be installing offline then you will need to get
 the NVIDIA_*tar.gz files from nVidia prior to doing the installation.
 This will be done automatically if you are online.  Again, this step
 is only needed if you are building on a machine which is not online.

  cd /usr/src
  ... then copy the files to your offline machine ...

Use the Debian source installer packages.

 Note that kernel-source-2.4.20 is available in woody-proposed-updates.

  cd /usr/src
  sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src
  sudo apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.20

Build the kernel modules

 Note that I am using the kernel-image-2.4.20-2-k7 from the
 woody-proposed-updates section.  But this should work with whichever
 kernel you are using.  Replace -2.4.20-2-k7 with the appropriate
 version from your kernel.

  cd /usr/src
  tar xzf nvidia-kernel-src.tar.gz # /usr/src/modules/...
  tar xjf kernel-source-2.4.20.tar.bz2
  cd kernel-source-2.4.20
  cp /boot/config-2.4.20-2-k7 .config
  make-kpkg clean
  fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -2-k7 modules_image
  cd /usr/src
  sudo dpkg -i nvidia-kernel-*.deb

Build the graphics drivers

  cd /usr/src/nvidia-glx-1.0.2880
  fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
  cd /usr/src
  sudo dpkg -i nvidia-glx*.deb # two packages {,-dev}

Configure X for this driver

  ... edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ...
  Driver "nvidia"
  Option "UseFBDev" "true"
  #Option "NoLogo" "true"  # Your preference...

 Remove from /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 the following drivers.

  GLcore # OpenGL support (conflicts with nvidia)
  dri    # Direct rendering infrastructure (conflicts with nvidia)

 Leave only these modules in the list.

  dbe    # Double-buffering
  extmod # Misc. required extensions
  glx    # OpenGL X protocol interface

Reference Information


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