On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:32:40PM -0700, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> > I like the full-text search idea, but I dislike the idea of approximate
> > matches (without it being a different command or a parameter). It makes
> > search results less predictable and hurts cases where your search terms
> > yield many results anyway.
>   I think that depends on how approximate it is and how the results are
> ranked.  Obviously this will take a lot of tuning; my main point is that
> I want to implement the most useful string-based search I can, and
> that's not going to just search names. :-)

If you are going to output to console I think you will have to reverse 
the sort order, otherwise the most irrelevant match will be last and one 
would have to scroll up to see the more relevant ones. Or you could 
output directly to $PAGER (as 'git log' does).

Another idea that crossed my mind would be to restrict the number of 
results to something like 20 lines and add a note like: "These are the 
most relevant 20 results.  For the full list use --full and pipe to a 

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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