On 2008-04-07 23:46 +0200, Mark Allums wrote:

> I expect this has been covered before, but people undoubtedly have
> more experience with it now, and it won't hurt to discuss it again.
> What variety of Linux is installed on the EeePC?  Does it bear any
> relationship to Debian?
> Have people been using Debian with/on the Asus EeePC?  What issues
> have come up?  Is installing it easy, hard?
> How is the experience?  Would a $400 budget laptop from Acer or
> somebody be a better choice?  (Assume I can't use a Macbook Air, or
> other high-end ultra portable.  For whatever reasons.)
> Is the SSD on the basic/original model adequate?
> Any other issues, beside the obvious?

I don't have this EeePC and thus cannot say anything about it, but a
Debian developer recently blogged his experience on
http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/, you might find this helpful.


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