On Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 05:11:36PM -0500, Mark Allums wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
>> this issue has been flogged to death on this list many times. Read the
>> archives. Sorry if I offended you. I will drop the subject. 
> I am not offended.  Thank you for the link.  I will go there and read it  
> soon.  If the issue has come up before, then there probably exist plenty  
> of people who think as I do.
> I am a newcomer, and I hope I am not making a nuisance of myself.  It  
> will take me some time to adjust to this community's conventions.

hence my link... to provide some guidance for you. purely with the
best of intentions!

>  Until then, I would ask that the old-timers be tolerant of my
> ignorance.

of course. If I came off as intolerant in my original mention, I
apologize, that was not my intent.

> I will check for that extension for Thunderbird.  I will use it if I end  
> up needing it.
> This list is full of smart people, and I like reading all the traffic.  
> Don't drop a subject because *I* might be offended.  You might drop it  
> when there is nothing left that can be productively added.  I will try  
> to restrain myself from posting something that doesn't add to the  
> discussion.

I assure I was only dropping it because there was nothing more to
add. And we all wander OT around here from time to time... as this
thread has done quite nicely (and flame free too! Good job guys!!)

regards and welcome


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