On Friday 04 April 2008 08:45:14 pm Chris Walters wrote:

> |> There's the rub. There are practical/political impediments to the
> |> exercise of genuine software freedom (the whole panoply of patents, NDAs
> |> etc.) which no software license, no matter how "progressive", could ever
> |> hope to effectively combat. So it follows that if there's to be real
> |> software freedom, it would have to be predicated on new and transformed
> |> social, political and economic arrangements.
> This would mean the end of modern economic theory (i.e. capitalism -
> socialism spectrum).  It would require a completely new paradigm of
> economics, where everyone's basic needs are met, and they can work on other
> pursuits (for what motivation, I do not know).  For the record, I, as a
> programmer and user of software signed the petition in opposition to
> software patents.  Back to my point, we would have to live in a Star Trek
> like world (i.e. no money) for this to come true.

I'm a little stunned that we're not even 20 years out since the end of the 
Cold War and already we forget Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto.

> If RMS is basing his ideals on the GNU charter, I don't think he read it
> clearly enough.  "Free: As in freedom".  This should apply whether a person
> wants to use pure open source software, closed source software, or a mix of
> both.  This is freedom.

You can't choose for the Bill of Rights to not apply to you:  You can't choose 
not to be free.  The GNU ideal works the same way.

Paul Johnson

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