On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 09:17:46AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Fri, April 4, 2008 7:51 am, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 01:09:09AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> > I think it does make some difference in that I don't specify an IP, my
> > vif= lookslike this:
> > dhcp = 'dhcp'
> > vif  = [ 'mac=aa:00:00:00:00:22, bridge=xenbrDMZ' ]
> > but I use dhcp.
>     That'll be hard since the DomU is the one that's going to be running the
> DHCP server.  But later on in the message you agree that this is
> probably not it so we'll leave it at that.

yeah, I editted that several times and clearly munged it a bit.

> > the other likely important bit is the made-up MAC
> > address for the virtual interface. That fake mac address becomes the
> > HwAddr in my DomU's ifconfig output. It looks to me like you are
> > passing a real mac address which would cause all kinds of problems, I
> > suspect.
>     Nope.  From <http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenNetworking>:
> "It's recommended to use a MAC address inside the range 00:16:3e:xx:xx:xx.
> This address range is reserved for use by Xen."

heh. whoops.

>     The MAC address I'm passing to DomU, 00:16:3E:BA:17:79, was generated by
> xen-tools when the image was created and is within the range suggested
> by Xen.
> > the bridge will *not* end up with an IP. It will have a funcky hwaddr
> > like FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and that's it. The bridge just connects
> > different ends of virtual interfaces and is not an interface itself,
> > per se.***
>     I'll double check that.  I think the bridge ending up with the IP was
> the result of me really munging something somewhere.  I tried it again
> later in the evening and did not get the same results.
> > I have a working, 3 DomU xen setup with one as firewall, one as DMZ
> > mail server, one as DMZ web server, Dom0 as local fileserver. This
> > includes using pciback to hide my internet-side interface from Dom0. I
> > would be happy to share my complete config if you'd like.
>     I appreciate the offer but I'm swimming in complex example
> configurations.  The lack of examples isn't a problem.

I so understand!

> Something in the process I am missing is.  I have to be missing
> something since my configuration, especially this single ethernet
> card test, should work.  I can't find any glaringly obvious
> difference from the many examples I've seen and my configurations.
> Thank you for discussing it with me, however, since sometimes just
> having a sounding board will get the ol' synapses firing.  :)

what does your Dom0 /etc/network/interfaces look like?

also, what about the output of route on various Doms?


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