On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 03:11:57 +0100
iain d broadfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Petrisor Marian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [an entirely blank message with a semi-informative subject line]
> This pisses me off majorly - my message was addressed to the list
> only.
> If someone goes on holiday (which is the only good reason to have
> autoresponders) they should have the courtesy to take themselves off
> the list for the time they are away.
> iain
> (and yes, i know i'm likely to get another response from this message
> as well.)

I got that one too, but it was only right after I posted. /me thinks.
Alright, now it makes sense. I went through the message I replied to
looking for any reference to the person I got the message from, thinking
I might have cc'd them by mistake. Nope, guess it looks like someone is
just being an idiot.
-johann koenig
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