To answer my own question.
I eventually got it to work.

I need the vmware-any-any packages version 115a.

so make deb out of the vmware tgz (server and mui) (i tried 1.0.5 as it was out)
make deb's out of the vmware-any-any.

install the vmware any any
make the any-any kernel modules, install the any-any modules and the vmware server package.

then I had to add in /etc/modules.d/alex
options vmmon vmversion=15

the last bit is what got it all working, other wise it was complaining about a mismatch in version numbers.

Quoting Alex Samad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I was wondering if any one has got this combo to work with the
vmware-package package. I have it working on 2.6.22

I have done a google, and seen people have got it working with the
vmware installer (and patches)

"I think the American people -- I hope the American -- I don't think, let me -- I hope the American people trust me."

        - George W. Bush
Washington, DC

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