> Having discovered the gnome system monitor, I seldom run top anymore.
> But I have a gigabyte of RAM, about half of which is "user" and about
> half of which is "cache".
> Iceweasel pushes processor utilization to 100 percent; I would like to
> find a browser which is more economical.
> I found a cheap AMD dual-core processor, and memory is cheap.  All I
> need to find now is a no-hassle "plain vanilla" AM2 motherboard,
> preferably with on-board video.

Hi Russel,

My box here is an 7 years old AMD K7 "Thunderbird" with 512mb of RAM.

With Iceweasel and Evolution running (on Gnome), CPU is at 5% and RAM is
filled only at 174mb. I even play games and watch movies on this machine
without problems (exept for the newer, hardware-hungry games).

You don't play and you don't watch, so I can not understand why your box
should be too slow. But I think you should check if there are things
running in background consuming system memory, and check why Iceweasel
is always running at 100% CPU.

I'm shure, if these two things are fixed, your box will run very fine!


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