On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 04:41:45PM +0000, Ed wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a HP ZT1000 laptop with an internal wireless card.  I tried to 
> install Fedora 8 on it, and although the install went smoothly, it 
> refused to recognize the internal wireless card. Eventually I gave up and 
> wiped Fedora off and installed Debian 4or1.  Again the install was event-
> less but Debian automatically recognized and set up the internal wireless 
> card on the laptop. I 'think' I would prefer to have Fedora on the laptop 
> only because I am more familiar with Fedora.  Would anyone have any idea 
> what specifically in Debian allows it to recognize and work with my 
> internal wireless card and whether I could somehow port that part of the 
> install over to Fedora if I were to reinstall Fedora. If there is a 
> better forum for me to ask this question, please advise.  Lastly, my 
> brief experience with debian has been very positive, my only reason to 
> prefer Fedora is that I have used it on my desktops for years and am more 
> familiar with it.  Incidentally, another nice thing about Debian is the 
> stock ticker applet worked out of the box, where I have not been able to 
> get the stock ticker applet to work on my fedora 6 desktop.
> Any suggestion or redirection would be appreciated.
> Ed
Wireless cards depend on the kernel, kernel modules, and firmware. So,
you may just have not had the correct kernel and kernel modules loaded.
To get help, someone would need to know what kernel you used, what
kernel modules were loaded and the output of lspci, I guess.
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