On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 06:03:27PM -0400, Alan McConnell wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 08:55:41PM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 07, 2008 at 02:34:35PM -0500, Alan McConnell wrote:
> > > I want to upgrade from sarge to etch, and have purchased a 3 DVD
> > > Debian etch set.  However my DVD player/reader is external, attached
> > > to a usb port, and I can't boot from that.
>       I've played with the BIOS settings, and this remains true.  I
>       can boot from the (one) hard drive, or from CD.
> > Some ideas:
> > 
> > 1.  Have you read the installation manual?  It provides all the
> >     different boot and install options for your arch (i386?).
>               Standard i386.  Been running Sarge for several years.

Running Sarge has nothing to do with installing Etch.  Read the
installation manual, or fetch the deb for etch off the website and
install it to your sarge box with dpkg.

> > 2.  What will your box boot?
> > 
> >             -CD? then download the netinst.iso file, burn that, and
> >                     use the DVD as a local repository.
>       I've spent most of the day wrestling with how exactly to do this.
>       As far as I can tell, it involves a _very_ fancy use of
>       mkisofs.  I have pored over the Debian documentation, but I may
>       have missed directions about how to do this.

Read the installation manual.  You don't need to use mkisofs since
you're already downloading an iso file.  Just use whatever burner
software you have to make a physical CD out of an iso file.  Note that
this does not mean copying the iso file to a CD.  For example, in k3b,
you just choose the burn-ISO button, supply the file name and away you
go.  There's likely a command-line version as well but I've never used

> > 3.  If this is just an upgrade from Sarge to Etch, just use
> >     apt-cdrom to add the DVD as a repository, then do an apt-update.
> >     There are a few issues with this path: read the release notes
> >     first and have a backup in case something goes wrong.
>               I haven't done anything with this.  If this doesn't
>               involve a re-install, that would be great.

You need to get the release notes for Etch and follow the instructions
exactly.  However, there are no guarantees and something may break.  You
will want to have an install method available, tested to at least boot
and present you with an installer, beforehand.

> I have the DVDs, and I also have over 20 gig of free disk space,
> so All Things should be possible<g>.
> Any further help, with either the CD burning or the update-upgrade
> path, would be greatly appreciated.
browse to http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual and pick
the right architecture and format.

browse to http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/releasenotes and pick
the right architecture and format.

Read them both cover-to-cover.

Get the netinst.iso file and the MD5SUMS to verify a correct download.
The file you want is: DEBIAN-40R3-I386-NETINST.ISO and is 160 MB.
Best to go to a mirror near you.  Then see man md5sum to calculate the
md5sum of the file and compare with the correct line in MD5SUMS.

As for how to burn a CD, best to start a new thread and ask.


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