> Do you have "fuse-utils" installed? /dev/fuse is meant to be created with
> ownership root:fuse, so the fuse group has to exist on your system. If I
> remember correctly, this group is created by the post-installation script of
> fuse-utils.
> You can check if your system has the fuse group:
> $ grep fuse /etc/group
> fuse:x:115:

Thank you for replying.

Yes my system does have the fuse group. Running the above command I get


I added my username 'amit' to that group as per instructions in the previous 
post in the thread. I guess I am unsure as to how to properly use fuse+sshfs. 
Here are some notes that might of interest:

 * Install of fuse-utils, sshfs was successful.

 * The only error message I got was using module-assistant to install the fuse 
kernel module. I guess it wasn't really necessary to install the kernel module 
fuse since it looks like the debian etch kernel already has it?

 * I create a directory in my home folder called 'mnt_ssh'

 * I run the command sshfs <myusername>@<host> mnt_ssh
  - I get this error: fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: No such file or 

 * I try to run the above command with sudo and I get the same error.

 * Sure enough /dev/fuse does not exist.

 * Now here comes the interesting part. At one point, after I rebooted I 
decided to just check on /dev/fuse and it did exist! So I guess udev created it 
but I'm not sure what I did to get it created.

I am sure I am missing something quite simple here.

Thanks again,

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