For those of us new at this...
How would one fill out the bug report headers for a problem with the whole netinst iso in contrast to a specific package? As follows: Tried the i386 netinst Feb 7 jigdo image on my pentium Intel that runs Knopixx on disc. It failed early in the install, just after noticing the CD and asking for a net site, saying it could not find a kernel image to install. But the SID installer of Lenny Feb 9 whole netinst iso did install, although sound is not functioning. The weeklies to replace the Jan 28 versions seem overdue as of Feb 11. Thanks. Joseph A. Price, Ph.D. Professor of Pathology Dept. Pathology, OSU-COM OSU Center for Health Sciences 1111 W. 17th. St. Tulsa, OK 74107-1898 Ph: 918-599-1603 FAX: 918-599-1098 [EMAIL PROTECTED]