On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 11:49:19PM +0200, Micha wrote:
   > Yes, but for me for example it would be very useful if I could add notes to
   > papers I download to reference in my work (academics, it's what you are
   > supposed to do ;-). I don't have access to the originals (with pdf's you 
   > do actually, people give you the pdf in the first place to make sure that 
   > see it properly, not to edit it).
   > I would have been happy if there was something that could do highlighting,
   > notes, lines and really ecstatic if it could actually do equations ...
Have you tried the latest version of inkscape? It can import pdf's and
you can annotate it quite easily.

As regards equations, sketch had a LaTeX plugin. Could not find
something like that for inkscape.


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