On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 12:54:34AM +0200, vinz wrote: > Hi. > > OK I have a problem.... I can't figure this out... I'm useing powermail > www.powerdns.com > to hand my pop3 mail system. > > what i need to do is to download all mail from my pop3 server on the > internet mail.webonline.co.za > and bring it to my local pop3 server localhost. > > fetchmail only allows me to download mail to root but i want to put the mail > into my pop3 account how do i go about doing this and what program can i use?
If I understand your question rightly, I'm pretty sure fetchmail *will* do this. With fetchmail's configuration, you can specify that mail from a particular remote POP mailbox goes to a particular local user. That local user can then POP the mail from your machine if you're running a POP server, of course. Personally, I have fetchmail running in daemon mode, checking several different remote POP boxes and handing off to exim to deliver to the appropriate local user(s). Maybe take a look through fetchmail's manpage, paying particular attention to the "Configuration Examples" section. -- ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------. > -ScruLoose- | Dear Lord, never put me in the charge < > Please do not | of a frightened human being. < > reply off-list. | - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. < `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
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