On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 12:24:56PM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> hello, 
> Me again with my project.
> Some people off-list have found me some low-MHz computers and will mail
> me the boards with CPU + memory etc.  One is a Tyan dual Pentium
> {133|166}.
> Now I'm looking for a great case in which to mount it (them?).  Starting
> with wikipedia on EMR shielding, and surfing fro there, I've learned
> that steel is much better for this than aluminum of the same thickness,
> and the thicker the better (see skin depth).  Wouldn't you know it: my
> Athlon64's case is steel frame with thin aluminum panels.  So, I guess
> its case should be changed too.
> Asthetics don't matter.  

How about this:
get any case you want.
get some guy who welds and make an outer box to put your computer it
with a few hole where needed.
This way you dont need 'a certain form-factor' because anything will fit
create a U shape: left side, bottom, right side
then make the front and back panels with a few holes for cables
and then a top to put on top of the U.

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