Am 2008-02-03 08:57:55, schrieb Hugo Vanwoerkom:
> Hi,
> I've changed the physical location of the Sid box and the telephone 
> number that is being used to dial the ISP.
> Everything else is the same.
> Now the connection is at a lower speed than before: average 3000 B/s 
> while before it was 4500 B/s.

3 kBit/s sound like a V.34+ on the ISP side while
4.5 kBit/s is in the range of a V.90/V.92...

And yes, some ISP's are using realy old V.34+ Modem Pools...

> The sound of V92 dialup modem on connecting has changed: it used connect 
> right away, now it makes more additional sounds.

Because it use only V34+ (33.600 BpS) or maybe only V.34 (28.800 BpS)

> Is this due to the quality of the phoneline?

Maybe...  Ask your ISP but you should know, that if you are using
V.90/V.92 you are connecting to an ISDN System on the ISP side and
your end (not you, but the Telephone company) must support it to.

> Anybody savvy on dialup lines?
> Hugo

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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