At 07:27 PM 2/8/2008, you wrote:
phillinux wrote:
I'm trying to write a bash shell script to create user accounts that calls 2 functions. I can't call these functions from the script or the command line. The set command seems to show the loaded script in the shell (loaded with . FunctionName at command line) with other environmental variables. ALSO: The type command does not recognize the function.

The script and functions work on my laptop running Fedora (with one small glitch). Is there something I can do to my Debian server to get functions recognized??

Are these functions by chance fedora specific? Or are they built into your shell script? How are you loading them into your script?


I'm still testing, so load the functions at the command line before I run the script. I load it by typing:

. File_Name       (dot, space File_Name)

One function is a recursive script that is called when a duplicate user name is found on the system. It appends a number on the end and keeps checking and appending until a unique name is found. I read that a function is the only way to make a script recursive.

The other function creates the user and password calling useradd and passwd and here files. I tested it on my Fedora laptop and kit works, Each function exists in a separate file, all files are in the same directory.

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