On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 08:53:38PM +0200, Jabka Atu wrote:
> Since my main pc is laptop i need something that will be as faill proof as
> posible.
> so i thought maybe to use flash drive as main drive and forget the swap or
> what ever the problem rises how ?
> I'm not sure but most of todaies flash drive has a lifetime for 50K write
> per bit (not sure since i read about 100K somewhere) so it is really bad
> idea to use flash as swap or /var/log etc.
> the main question is how to set my favorite flavor (sid , sorry etch but i
> don't love backports.. ) to work with as less as possible writes?
> Ideas ? guides ? or what ever ...
> but who can i disable writes without damaging my system i guess linked tmp
> with ramdisk is a start but i need more ideas .

First, turn off atime on mounts.
Add enough memory so that you never need swap.  Then, use a swap file if
needed.  Put /tmp on tmpfs.

Or, run a live CD like GRML and put /home on the flash drive.

Flash-drive systems are often used on embedded devices.  I know that
many people use OpenBSD on their laptops and also on Soekris embedded
devices (e.g. as firewalls).  You could check the OpenBSD website for
some docs and check the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archives.


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