Kelly Clowers wrote:
> I think the debconf stuff for xorg has been changed, due to the fact
> that xorg now works (or should work) with a very minimal xorg.conf.
> The goal the upstream xorg devs are approaching is to be able to
> run X without any conf file at all.


The website you specified does clear up a lot of the questions I had
too, especially about "Configured" mice and video cards. However, I
would like to see perhaps a xorg.conf shipped with Xorg anyway, with
all the default options, except commented out. The way I see it, the
auto-configuration is still not up to par yet, and having a
ready-built xorg.conf to slip bits in from would be handy for
quickly getting Xorg working again.

Plus now the proprietary ATI driver kicks up a stink every time I
reinstall it.

David S

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