On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 20:04:09 +0100
Gerard Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello,
> time sudo invoke-rc.d dictd stop
> real  0m30.055s
> user  0m0.024s
> sys   0m0.028s
> The same problem arises when I shutdown my box to stop all the services and 
> the
> machine stops after a very long time.
> This happens after a recent upgrade in sid.

Same here:

real    0m30.015s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.006s

Thanks for posting; I had no idea why my system just hung yesterday on
shutdown.  I wound up unceremoniously hitting the power switch; I guess
I must not have waited the full thirty seconds.  [As per the recent FS
thread, I don't seem to have experienced any data loss (ext3).  I
believe I did see some 'deleting orphan inode' and various other
messages on the next startup.]

Note that my user and sys times seem to be about a third to a fourth of
yours, but we see almost the identical ~ 30 second delay.

> GĂ©rard

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