On 15/01/2008, Alex Samad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my mail reader sort my mail in date order and links together all the threaded
> emails.  I read them in date/time  order, if I follow a thread from begging to
> end, then all i should have to do is read the top posts, but if they bottom
> posted, then as the thread grows I find I have to scroll further down, re
> reading the same information I have read in the previous email.

Too bad the whole world doesn't use your mail reader. The whole world
should be forced to use the same mail reader, and the same office suit
and web browser while we're at it. On the same OS. Oh, wait, Microsoft
_is_ trying to accomplish that.

Also, your mail was _middle_posted_ and quoted every message before it
in full. You really are aiming for the worse of all worlds, aren't

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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