Try "mount /media/usb" as a user.

On Jan 8, 2008 7:33 PM, Dotan Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a 2GB Sandisk Cruzer USB drive that I removed the U3 garbage
> from. I formatted the disk as FAT in a friend's WindowsXP machine.
> Now, any Windows machine can read and write to the disk, and my Fedora
> desktop can read and write to it as a regular user. However, my Ubuntu
> Feisty 7.04 laptop can only write as root.
> I have this is my fstab (yes, it is the correct device):
> /dev/sdb1 /media/usb auto rw,users,noauto 0 0
> However, HAL does not auto mount so I must manually mount it:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/usb/
> mount: only root can do that
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/usb/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo chown feisty /media/usb/
> chown: changing ownership of `/media/usb/': Operation not permitted
> As you can see, despite the "users" option in fstab, only root can
> mount. And even then, I cannot change the user. What is to be done?
> Ideally, HAL would automount this device such that users could write
> to it.
> Thanks in advance.
> Dotan Cohen
> א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

Chris Howie

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