On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 17:02, Robert Tilley wrote:
> When I installed my system with the Debian 3.0 CD, kernel 2.2.0 was installed.  
> I selected to install the RealTek 8139 drivers and my NIC has been 
> functioning perfectly.
> I've attempted to install 2.4.19, 2.4.21, and 2.6.0-test2.  During a 
> menuconfig, I specify the RealTek 8139 drivers to be installed as part of the 
> kernel.  However, when I reboot into the fresh kernel my NIC is undetected 
> and I have no internet access.  I must reboot into 2.2.0 if my NIC is to be 
> used.  I've even gone so far as to install _all_ RealTek drivers and no luck.

I certainly hope you mean 2.2.20, instead of 2.2.0!!!

What problems did you have installing 2.4.19 and .21?  They are
what you should be running.  I have an 8139 working just fine
with 2.4.20.

Besides, how can we help you without specific data, like snippets
from /var/log/syslog and dmesg.

Also, if you are a Linux newbie, or a Linux vet who is more comfortable
with the auto-detection and GUI niceties that other distros offer,
you might want Libranet, instead.  It's fully Debian compatible.

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