On Sat, 02 Aug 2003, Alan Connor wrote:

> > It seems to me, if you can automate C-R, then spammers can too. Or do you have to 
> > verify that your a 'legitimate organization' to some sort of certificate authority 
> > to get the software? That is the last thing anyone wants.
> The argument to the X-CR header is a password. A unique password to the
> transaction.

So, basically, we probably have a well formed message with one
non-expected word...

Nope, I could never figure out a way around that, if I was so inclined.

I am a tad puzzled at the all-or-nothing attitude in this discussion.  
Wouldn't it be better to combine a C-R system with a system that checks 
malformed headers, a system that uses regexp's to check the spaminess of
a message, and a system that uses bayes filtering to check email?

Imagine the following system:

Email starts the filtering process:

Are any headers horribly screwed up?  If so, keep copy for local
retrieval, and send a C-R.

Parse through regexps and a bayes filter.  If the email has a high 
degree of spamminess, send a C-R and keep a copy for local retrieval.
If the email is borderline, sort into a seperate folder to check.  If
the email does not seem to be spam, sort normally.

Once the possible spams have been checked, send a C-R to any that were

This system has the nice advantage of trying, as hard as it can, to make
sure I don't lose a legitimate email.  The C-R does not interfere with
any email I would have normally checked - instead, it adds an added
layer of safety.

Hmmm, perhaps I'll impliment that one day.  :)  Right now, my spam
problem doesn't bother me though, a quick 30 second scan each morning
and I'm done.  :)  False positives and false negetives approach 0.

~ Jesse Meyer

         icq: 34583382 / msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / yim: tsunad

   "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we 
    pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut Jr : Mother Night

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