On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 17:07:44 +0200
David Fokkema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only requirement (and drawback) is that other people reply to a C-R
> from time to time. If configured friendly, only one time for each new person
> you start mailing.

    But that is a big requirement.  Look at my recent message.  I've sent mail
out to ~3700 unique addresses in the past couple of years.  I boils down to
about 3 new addresses *a day*.  If all those people implemented C-R I'd be
answered a new challenge more often now than I would deleting the spam that I
don't choose to look at (IE, the messages SA don't mark as spam) which is on
the order of 2/week and falling.  

    Of course this doesn't take into account that during that time I had 6-7
different active email addresses.  So a good portion of those unique addresses
I'd have to respond to several times.  

    Pointing out that I could script the response does not help the case for
C-R.  If I can script it, a spammer can script it and the impervious wall Alan
is bragging about is shown to be the house of cards that it is.

    What's worse is that so far noone's told me how two people using C-R ever
*start* communicating.  Person 1 mails person 2.  Person 2's C-R sends off a
challenge to Person 1.  Person 1's C-R sends off a challenge to Person 2. 

> I myself don't think this is annoying. 

    Think on the grand scale.  Go look at the number of unique addresses you
send to and imaging hitting reply to all of those.  The compare that to the
number of times you delete spam.  If the former is not higher than the latter
then you're lucky and should imagine it for people who use email for a bulk of
their communication and where, like me, the difference is almost on the order
of a magnitude.  It is just like spam.  A little here, a little there isn't
annoying.  Several a day is.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
                               |    -- Lenny Nero - Strange Days

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