On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:25:17 -0430
Jose Luis Rivas Contreras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Micha wrote:
> > Using 64 bit has more memory overhead and no performance advantage for most
> > stuff (even performance decrease for some stuff). Also not everything is
> > available for 64 bit yet.
> Like what? You make it sound as if there were a lot of software that you
> can't use in 64bit, I just know of the java plugin, the rest I'm using
> it right now.

Not a lot, just a little, and you can get most of it to work, although you may
need the 32 bit libraries installed as well.

flash is said cause problems, although it works for me (possibly with the 32bit
libraries). Not all video codecs for mplayer are available. Skype takes some
work to install. texmacs requires a recompilation or it segfaults. skype was a
bit of a pain. Some propriatry things like mathematica and matlab require the
latest versions, intel ipp and mkl require the 64bit versions.

Like I said, most things work, but some may cause problems or take some pushing
and tweaking.

The bigger issue is the memory overhead which, depending on your requirements
and used software is the bigger issue.

> >>
> >> I think I can use it with Debian Etch system, and don't must download and
> >> install the debian amd64 distribution, right?
> >>
> >> For what reason should I download and install debian amd64 distribution?
> Well you're using a 64bit kernel with a 32bit userland, obviously in
> some moment is gonna give you problems specially when installing kernel
> modules compiled in a 686 and you're using a 64bit, so if you want to
> use adm64 I suggest to install all the port amd64, not only the kernel.
> Regards.
> - --
> Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela. PGP: 0xCACAB118
> http://ghostbar.ath.cx/{about,acerca} - http://debian.org.ve
> `ghostbar' @ irc.debian.org/#debian-ve,#debian-devel-es
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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