I have learned from Ximian help that evolution 1.4 needs both gnome-print and cups packages to print correctly with default settings.  I can manually edit each time to use lpr, but I want to be able to just print without further manual interaction.  The problem is that the print only works correctly through cups as root.  I can print the cups test page as a regular user, so I think cups is set up correctly in my Debian/Sid system.  See further information below and I am asking for a fix from someone in this mailing list who may have run into this problem.

I have verified that I have the gnome-print packages installed:

fea# dpkg -l|grep libgnomeprint
ii  libgnomeprint- 0.37-4         The GNOME Print architecture - binary files
ii  libgnomeprint- 0.37-4         The GNOME Print architecture - data files
ii  libgnomeprint- 0.37-4         The GNOME Print architecture - development f
ii  libgnomeprint1 0.23-helix1    The GNOME Print architecture
ii  libgnomeprint1 0.37-4         The GNOME Print architecture - runtime libra
ii  libgnomeprint2 1.116.3-2      The GNOME 2 Print architecture - runtime fil
ii  libgnomeprint2 1.116.3-2      The GNOME Print architecture - data files
ii  libgnomeprint2      The GNOME 2.2 print architecture - runtime f
ii  libgnomeprint2      The GNOME 2.2 print architecture - data file
ii  libgnomeprintu      The GNOME 2.2 print architecture User Interf
ii  libgnomeprintu      The GNOME 2.2 print architecture User Interf

I have verified that gconf is running:

fea# ps aux|grep gconf
fea        666  0.0  0.1  4920 3060 ?        S    09:54   0:00 /usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 12
root      4062  0.0  0.0  1296  472 ttyp1    S    10:12   0:00 grep gconf

I have verified that the CUPS system is operational both as root and my normal user account.
The HP-LJ4-M attached to my parallel port is set as the default printer, and the CUPS test page is printed both as root and a normal user.

Now, if I try to print an e-mail message from within evolution, the local printer light blinks and appears to be loaded into the printer.  But, nothing comes out of the printer and then the lights stop blinking.  So, somewhere between the CUPS test page and the evolution print page, there is a disconnect.

Please help and make a recommendation.

James D. Freels, Ph.D.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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