Sorry if this is too basic a question.

I have an IBM ThinkPad T60 running lenny, using GNOME.

There looks like there are two main ways to adjust the volume. I can do it in
software by using the Volume Control or Mixer apps, or similar things from 
the commandline. Then i can use the volume buttons on the computer itself.
These dont seem to have anything to do with with volume displayed anywhere.
(Then some apps have their own volume adjustments too.)

The reason im asking is that right now in order to have a reasonable level of
volume, i have to crank up the computer buttons all the way. If i do this, then
having the software volume at 50% is mildly audible and having it near 100% is
fairly loud. BUT, then the system beep is SUPER loud, it shakes my coffee cup,
my husband yells at me!

But if i turn the computer buttons down to something where the system beep
is "normal", i cant hear the speaker volume even at 100%.

Also im running GNOME on a the same model ThinkPad running FreeBSD, and
its different here--at a "moderate" level of computer-button volume (and 
system beep) the regular volume is nicely audible.

Can someone explain how these two relate to each other, and how i can control it
better? Is there something im missing here? My goal is to be more like the
FreeBSD machine--a reasonable system beep and good volume level for other



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