On date Friday 2007-11-30 18:14:53 +0100, Andrea Ganduglia wrote:
> Please, help me! I have read much much about bluetooth protocol and
> Debian, but from begin to now I cannot transfert my files from my PC
> to my cell phone without grafical interface (gnome-bluetooth and
> similar).
> It's frustrating!
> Now, I want and easy text-based way to trasfert one file PC->phone. I
> think `obex' family is the  right way, but despite
> /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf said NO, cell phone ask me a password (PIN),
> isset on 1234, but it said it's wrong!
> With grafical interface phone ask if I want receive file and then
> trasfert start without
> problems! Why?


I had a similiar issue recently using obexftp and a Motorola V535. The
problem turned out to be that I needed a passkey manager running
during the authentication phase.

The very ugly solution I contrived consisted into compiling the source
of the passkey-agent included in /usr/share/doc/bluez-utils/examples,
then running it like:
passkey-agent 1234 <bluetooth phone address>

the phone should accept in this case the bluetooth passkey, then test
it with:
obexftp -b <bluetooth phone address> -l

Documentation is very scarce and the various guides/tutorial I checked
are rather inconsistent, so I think there is a better solution, maybe
someone can enlighten us about the use of the passkey-agent (and where
to find an already compiled version).

HTH, regards.
Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see http://counter.li.org)

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