On Dec 17, 3:00 pm, Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> webjay wrote:
> > I am on a MacBook Pro and can connect to my server in the basement via
> > SSH.
> > Can I install a GUI via SSH and later connect via VLC or the like?
> On the OS/X installer DVD is an X Tools option, that is not installed by
> default. (This is with pre-Leopard; I'm unsure about Leopard.) Install that.
> Now you can fire up X, and I believe it will open a terminal window. (I
> don't have a Mac in front of me, so I'm doing this by [hazy] memory.)
>  From there, just "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> I'm assuming your server is running Debian. If you've configured Debian
> to allow X forwarding ("XForwarding=Yes" or similar in
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config, I believe), once you've logged into Debian over
> the ssh connection, you can start any X-enabled app, and it will
> display/run "on" your Mac.
> Any questions, ask again for clarification. In an hour or so I'll be in
> front of my Mac and can walk through the process and give better details
> if necessary.
> --
> Kent
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have X tools on my Mac.
I also have "X11Forwarding yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
I have installed xnest.

But I guess I need either Gnome or KDE?
How do I install Gnome via SSH?
And do I need to configure it for a remote connection?


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