Hello, I prepared an 1 GB USB stick as installation medium for etch (wanted to use it as rescue "disk").
I followed the instructions on http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s04.html.en I followed "4.4.2. Copying the files — the flexible way" since I had a 1GB stick and I could use a full CD image this way. I have taken vmlinuz and initrd.img from ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd- media (that was not entirely clear for me from the description on the page though). syslinux.cfg I created myself with the two lines default vmlinuz append initrd=initrd.gz The system booted nicely from the USB stick. First strange issue is that the installer needed two iteration to find the ISO image on the stick. The first iteration failed, then I selected the entry manually from the installation menu. The I got a message *********** Load installer components from an ISO Installer No kernel modules were found. This probalby is due to a mismatch between the kernel used by this version of the installer and the kernel available in the archive.... ************* Are the kernels in the iso image and the hd-media in fact out of sync? Did I miss something else? The installation log is available at: http://bokomoko.de/~rd/install.tar.bz2 Thanks, Rainer -- Rainer Dorsch Lärchenstr. 6 D-72135 Dettenhausen 07157-734133 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F 8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E Full GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu/