On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 13:12 -0500, Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé wrote:
> I suppose the error occurs at line 542 :
>    AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
> First make sure the mod_include module is enabled. To do that, issue the
>  # a2enmod include
> command as root. Then, restart with
>  # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
> Second, according to the documentation, you also need the "Includes"
> option to directories containing shtml files. So you might have to add
> the following line.
>    Options +Inculdes
> More info : http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_include.html#enabling
> My guest is that the module is not enable, so the first step should fix that.
> By the way, the "include" module is just for parsing shtml file. It
> looks for <!--include..> tags in the file, and include them in the
> response. If you don't use them, you can safely comment line 541 and
> 542.

Marc-Etienne, many thanks for that. I guess I forget 'includes' might
not be all lower case so missed it. I've now commented out the lines
since no SSI supported on my box (I'm wondering if I half-enabled it at
some point in the past!)

Thanks, Michael

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