Hi, everyone,
I currently run Debian (lenny) only on my workstation here. I have
a short term need to run a software package which only exists for
windows (I can´t get it to install properly under wine). I´d like to
run WinXP in a vm in order to do this without rebooting or working on
a separate computer. I´m more interested in ease of setup than in
performance, since I can still work on other tasks in linux while
running this. What would be the easiest way to do this; vmware,
Xen, bochs, or some other? Thanks in advance for any advice.
| Christopher Judd, Ph. D. |
| Research Scientist III |
| NYS Dept. of Health [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Wadsworth Center - ESP |
| P. O. Box 509 518 486-7829 |
| Albany, NY 12201-0509 |
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i am using Free VMware server, with which i am very happy. So it is up
to you. For me it works good on Debian(Sid and Etch) or Debian Clones
(*buntu, knoppix.)
good luck
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