On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 00:53:46 +0100
Richard Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> in synaptic to browse than it is in aptitude.  And I wish you could
> reverse direction in mid-search in aptitude.  I often race past a
> relevant match by being too quick on the "n".  If only "b" for back or
> "p" for previous or "N" or whatever switched the direction without
> having to reenter the search using \ or page up enough times to probably
> pass whatever it was you didn't quite see...

>From the aptitude manual:

 [Tip]  Tip

        You can search backwards in the package list by pressing \, and you can
        repeat the last search by pressing n after closing the search window.

I never remember how to do that either ...

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