On Wednesday 30 July 2003 17:47, Greg Folkert wrote:
> > http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DebianChrootInstall
> I have used that procedure MANY times...
> Maybe even just use knoppix as the booting OS.
> I'll tell you I should edit that page to show how to do it with
> Knoppix as well also using the woody basedebs. I host that site
> http://twiki.iwethey.org also http://sco.iwethey.org
> and http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/board/show?boardid=1

You are obviously the right person to ask, then.  Will this method 
help me?  I can see (slightly fuzzily still at the mo) that I can use 
the Knoppix to get the rest of the install carried out. But surely, 
once I reboot into the newly installed system, I will once again lose 
the NIC driver.  It appears that Knoppix and Mandrake have a working 
driver for this net-lynx 428X, and Debian doesn't.  Or am I missing 
the important bit (again...)?

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Sounds almost irresistable... You might find me there one day soon.


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