On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 01:34, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> > Keeping the /etc/apt/sources.list in a reasonable state is something
> > that Debian can't help the admin with.
> [Rural modem users have lots of CDs.]
> Ron> Why not use "-t"?  I have a "mostly sarge" system with some sid.
> Ron> The "-t" makes it very easy to do this:
> Ron> # apt-get -t testing upgrade
> Ron> # apt-get -t unstable install evolution mozilla-browser mozilla-psm
> when I do apt-get dist-upgrade or upgrade, I always see the same
> results, "-t testing" or not.  Perhaps because all I have is sid stuff
> in /etc/apt/sources.list. Perhaps a bug.

Hmmm, unless I'm reading you wrong:
Since all you have in sources.list is sid, shouldn't you expect "-t
testing" to have no effect?

Of course, I did not know that you only have sid in your sources.list...

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