Hi there,

Thanks a lot for your help.

Have gotten the kernel to work with the nv driver for the moment, will try the 
patch for the Nvidia driver.

> about /dev/ttySX => I have the same problem  ;)

You need to say Yes to Character/Serial Drivers/8250/16550 and compatible 
serial support. By default this is switched to No.

Now all I need is Sound and the Scroll wheel on my mouse to work.

Thanks once again.

On Wednesday 30 Jul 2003 8:59 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Le Mercredi 30 Juillet 2003 07:55, Jeetu Golani a écrit :
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I have a NVidia GeForce2 MX 400 card and I'm trying to use kernel
> > 2.6.0-test2 with it. The kernel compiles fine but I don't have X. I tried
> > recompiling the driver I was using with kernel 2.4.18 but I get the
> > message that the kernel doesn't support 2.6.x and newer kernels. I
> > downloaded the latest driver but have similar issues with that.
> >
> > I'd appreciate if someone could guide me as to if there's a way i can use
> > this card with kernel 2.6.0-test2.
> >
> > Barring this,I'd settle for any other driver which I could use. I just
> > wanna test the kernel 2.6.0-test2 and need X. I think before I used the
> > Nvidia driver,X used the nv driver and that worked fine (minus a few
> > goodies the nvidia driver supports which i'm willing to live without to
> > test this kernel),however just putting in the nv driver instead of nvidia
> > in XF86Config-4 doesn't work. I would appreciate if someone could tell me
> > what other modules,etc I'd need to have that working?
> >
> > Also, I have mouse support built-in to the kernel, however there isn't a
> > /dev/psaux created. I also don't have /dev/ttyS0,etc. The files show up
> > in the listing but trying to cat them doesn't work. I think this has
> > something to do with me needing to mount devfs or something. If i try
> > fiddling with the modules and getting the nv driver for X working, the
> > next complaint i get is for my mouse, it needs device /dev/psaux.
> >
> > I'd really appreciate any help that could be provided for the above.
> > Thank you in advance for everything.
> >
> > Bye for now
> hi
> to make nvidia card working with kernel 2.6.0-testX, you need to patch the
> nvidia driver source so, you need a patch corresponding on the version of
> your driver : http://www.minion.de/nvidia.html
> note that the last nvidia driver (4496) works well for me
> step-by-step process :
> download the nvidia driver and the patch, then run :
> ./NVIDIA****.run --extract-only
> cd NVIDIA***/usr/src/nv
> patch -p1 < ../../../../NVIDIA_kernel***-2.5.diff
> make
> that-s all (I hope)
> about /dev/ttySX => I have the same problem  ;)
> about /dev/psaux => I had the same problem
> to solve it, you need to reconfigure your kernel, and make sure you have
> set the options : INPUT_MOUSEDEV
> in the section "Input device support"
> good luck
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