2007/10/11, andremachado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> As PART of a viability study about using Debian GNU / Linux for a massive 
> deployment from 5 thousand
> up to 50 thousand machines (desktops AND servers) geographically distributed 
> across a country,
> I searched for some installation, configuration and config management tools 
> for this task size [0], [1], [2].
> Please, verify if a relevant tool is missing or if there are errors and or 
> omissions.
> I found the Alexander Zangerl texts [3] as a good starting point for a 
> broader text.
> They are the most aligned with the study objectives that I was able to find.
> Do you have some ideas?
> Some information about why Debian is suitable for this task?
> What tools are suitable for some of the remaining tasks: managing systems, 
> user accounts, monitoring such big deployment?
> Do you have some url more suitable for reading?
> Regards.
> Andre Felipe Machado
> [0] 
> http://www.techforce.com.br/index.php/news/linux_blog/massive_installation_management_tools_p_1
> [1] 
> http://www.techforce.com.br/index.php/news/linux_blog/massive_installation_management_tools_p_2
> [2] 
> http://www.techforce.com.br/index.php/news/linux_blog/massive_installation_management_tools_p_3
> [3] http://people.debian.org/%7Eaz/

Wow !!!

For what are you going to use so many computers ?   =)

I am just curious. For the government ?

Best regards,
Sergio Cuellar

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