MRH wrote:
Dnia 03/10/07 20:42,Daniel Mahoney napisaƂ:
I've got a Debian Sarge machine that is mounting it's user directories via
NFS from a NAS appliance. Id' really like to get quotas running but I'm
not having a lot of luck.

I've tried adding "quota" and "usrquota" to the fstab flags for the
NFS-mounted directory, but "mount" complains about those flags being
unrecognized. I'm pretty sure from the googling I've done that quotas over NFS are possible, but I'm sure not turning up any concrete pointers on how
to make it work.

Shouldn't you rather set quotas on the NAS? I have *very cheap* NAS and it have such option somewhere in the setup available.

Kind regards,
Michal R. Hoffmann

That would probably be a technically superior solution, but I don't think that would work well with the appliaction I'm trying implement quotas for. I will, however, investigate whether this is doable with our NAS appliance.

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