On Wednesday 03 October 2007 12:38, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 12:12:52PM -0700, tom arnall wrote:
> > I got impatient with an aumix error and did 'chmod -R /dev' (and ctl-C'ed
> > out of it after ~3 min's.) now I can't become root. Some examples:
> wow, that's ugly. And since it went for ~3mins that's a lot of
> chown'ed files. I agree with others, just easier to reinstall or
> restore from backup. If you want to fix it as an exercise, try booting
> into /bin/bash (add init=/bin/bash to your kernel boot line), and see
> what you can fix. It may be possible, I suppose, that you could fix up
> the perms/ownership on the right handful of things to allow you to
> become root and then you could  chroot into the system and essentially
> reinstall everything through apt.
> good luck
> A

thanks all for being here. downloading the netinst CD now.

tom, the profoundly embarrassed loose cannon

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