On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 07:16:32PM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> * Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [071002 18:21]:
> > On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 04:38:38PM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> >  
> > > In order to get the system to boot, I found it necessary to install
> > > the 32Gbyte clip jumper on any drive larger than 32Gbyte.  
> > > 
> > > Once the system boots, W2000 thinks it is running on a 32Gbyte drive.
> > > However, Debian sees the entire drive, despite the clip jumper.
> > 
> > What is a clip jumper?
> On the back of a typical IDE drive, between the power and data
> connectors, there is a double-row configuration header; it looks just
> like the data connector, except it typically has only four sets of
> pins.  
> One or more shorting jumpers are plugged onto the pins in order to
> configure the drive as master, slave, or cable-select.  And one pair
> of jumpers provides a 32Gbyte clip, so that the BIOS thinks that the
> drive is smaller than it really is.  The jumper doesn't change the
> physical characteristics of the drive; it simply deceives the BIOS.
> Somewhere on the label of the drive, the manufacturer should have
> provided a diagram or a table showing which pins to jumper for the
> various configuration options.  If not, then you need to check the web
> site of the manufacturer for a diagram or table.  
> When installed, a jumper "shorts" or "bridges" a pair of pins.  The
> jumper has a plastic body and a gold-plated brass insert; it is about
> 6 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, and 5 mm high.
> A new drive typically ships with at least two jumpers.  Sometimes an
> extra pair of dummy pins provides a place to "park" a spare jumper.
> The same type of jumper is used on the back of CD-ROM drives.  So if
> you need a jumper and there is not a spare jumper on the drive, look
> around for an old disk drive or an old CD-ROM drive.

I've never seen such a thing as a 32Gbclip.  I know about
master/slave/CS jumper settings.  The only drives I've had new are the
546MB drive that came in my 486 and my two Seagate 70 GB drives that are
in my SATA which only have a SATA-1/SATA-II jumper.

None of my other drives have such a thing as a 32GB clip.  The Quantum
850 MB only has three jumper positions that select master/slave/CS.  The
WD drives do have some extra pins so I'll have to track those down, but
of course they are already less than 32 GB.  Surely a P-II that came
with an 8GB drive (with no extra jumpers) should be able to use a 1 GB
drive.  The BIOS does show the correct size for each drive, detecting
the same geometry as printed on the drive.



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