On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:59:26 +0000, Chris Davies wrote:

> Thomas H. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I own two Epson scanners, a Perfection 2400 Photo and a Perfection V100
>> Photo.
>> Neither work with Debian Linux.
> Check the location of the firmware file, esfw41.bin. A few upgrades ago,
> my system also lost the configuration entry in /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf
> that defined this.

I would be very grateful for further details, since I am an amateur with
a <similar|worse> problem.

The problem is similar because Debian Etch (kernel 2.6.18) is looking for
the firmware file in the wrong directory.  The error message reads:

/usr/share/iscan/esfw54.bin/esfw54.bin : Not a directory

"esfw54.bin" is not a directory but a file and it is located in
"/usr/share/iscan/" (with copies in a few other places - just in case the
alternatives locations are easier to find)

The problem is worse, because it is intermittent. Whenever I reboot the
system, it is a gamble.  Sometimes the scanner is found and sometimes I
get the above error message.

I have no problems if I choose to use Debian Sarge (kernel 2.6.8).

All suggestions will be gratefully received.

Felix Karpfen

Felix Karpfen
Public Key 72FDF9DF (DH/DSA)

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