"Thomas H. George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Still using iceape.  I have tried dpkg-reconfigure postfix selecting 
> Smarthost.  First I entered my ISP provider, ran /etc/init.d/postfix 
> reload and then sent a message from mutt to my other mail box, 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Next I repeated this entering 

Are you hosting your own server for the tomgeorge.info domain? If not
then you should take it out from the postfix config.

> outgoing.verizion.net which I must use for the SMTP entry in setting
> up a mail box for iceape.  In both cases no message was delivered to 

How did you check?

> but both messages showed up when I ran fetchmail and
> then mutt.

From where is fetchmail pulling mail?

> I surely don't understand it well enough as I can't explain it simply.

:) Please supply more details of your e-mail setup and we should be
able to sort it out. You should also check (and post here) the output of
'tail /var/log/mail.log' after you send a test mail.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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