On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:48:09 -0400
"Thomas H. George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been given an emachine M5310 laptop with a dead battery and am 
> considering trying to convert it to a debian etch laptop.  I can boot it 
> with a GRML cd and lsdev reports wifi0 when an Activa wifi card is 
> plugged in.  I tried using wlanconfig but have not been able to specify 
> a static IP address to access my home network.  The machine is known to 
> contain its own wifi and searches for dynamic addresses when I boot it 
> with a DebianLive Gnome cd. but Debain/apps/system/network demands a 
> root password and wont accept sudo bash so I can't set an assigned 
> static IP address.
> Is the emachine worth the effort?  A new battery will set me back $95.  
> Would I also need to purchase another Linux compatible wifi card?

The first question is, what wireless card is in the machine? Do lspci,
and find the entry corresponding to the wireless card. 

> Tom George

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